vom: 21.05.2021 von: Southwest Fox Conference http://www.swfox.net
Virtual Fox Fest 2021 (Oct): Call for Speakers  
We're excited to offer you Virtual Fox Fest 2021 (October), a three-day online conference presenting the latest in Microsoft Visual FoxPro development techniques and interoperability with other technologies. This conference provides a venue for VFP developers to come together virtually to learn more about how our fellow developers are using and extending VFP. For details about Virtual Fox Fest, please see https://virtualfoxfest.com. The conference is going to be on October 14th, 20th, and 26th, 2021. We've issued the Call for Speakers (https://virtualfoxfest.com/CallForSpeakers.aspx) for Virtual Fox Fest. If you are interested in presenting, please read the document referenced in that page and consider submitting sessions.

Link zum Thema https://virtualfoxfest.com/CallForSpeakers.aspx