vom: 18.01.2022 von: West Wind Technologies http://www.west-wind.com/
West Wind Web Connection 7.26 released  
West Wind Web Connection 7.26 is a minor bug fix update for this popular FoxPro Web development framework. Web Connection is a rich and mature tool for building HTML Web applications and HTTP API Services using Visual FoxPro, so you can continue to use the tools you already know to build Web applications. Version 7.26 adds a few small enhancements around the administration interface. A new server status JSON API allows for better monitoring of servers. Improvements make it easier to switch LiveReload on and off and the new consolidated Administration UI provides single page to all administrative functionality. As always, Web Connection is available as shareware and registered users of v7 are eligible for free upgrades.

Link zum Thema https://webconnection.west-wind.com/