Porting a VFP Web application to ASP.Net

Vortragstyp: Normal Slot: Day1/Room1/Slot1
Speaker:Rick Strahl
You've probably heard a lot about ASP.Net over the last year or so and you're wondering: Is .Net all that it's cracked up to be and is there a real benefit? This session is not to give you an answer to this question but to let you see what is involved in taking a VFP application and moving to .Net. The end result is a good comparison case that can showcase the strengths and weaknesses of each platform. The Application described is a Web Store application including an Fat Client interface originally created with West Wind Web Connection and a set of business objects ported to .Net including a business object framework. The discussion will talk about application implementation, framework design, time to build and deploy, performance comparisons and other related issues.Level: Intermediate, mostly overview with lots of examples