deutschsprachige FoxPro User Group
Forum View
  Re: User List- #14049 in section [742156]
Sec: (29) VFX english
Von: Uwe Habermann
An: Markus Mayer
Am/Um: 05.07.2019 22:59:32

--from Newsreader at Freitag, 5. Juli 2019; 22:59:32--

Hi Markus!

>>Can you give me a Hofix please?<<

Please insert the following code in the method onsave of the class
cuserdialog in vfxform.vcx:

LPARAMETERS tlnotrefresh, tlalltable, tlfromchild
IF INDEXSEEK(UPPER(vfxusr.user), .f., "vfxusr", "user")
MESSAGEBOX("This user already exists.", 64, thisform.Caption)
RETURN DODEFAULT(tlnotrefresh, tlalltable, tlfromchild)

Uwe Habermann

David Phillips   18.06.2019 10:18
Uwe Habermann  18.06.2019 10:32
David Phillips  26.06.2019 11:04
Markus Mayer  05.07.2019 14:28
Uwe Habermann  05.07.2019 22:59
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