Form Instantiation And Destruction Techniques

Vortragstyp: Normal Slot: Day1/Room1/Slot1
Speaker:Drew Speedie
Everybody knows how to instantiate and destroy forms, right? Yes, but there can be much more to it than initially meets the eye, especially when you are designing a form class hierarchy to abstract consistent behaviors inherited by form instances. For one thing, all sorts of inconsistencies await you, including DataEnvironment events and other private data session issues. It's easy to inadvertently disturb the native sequence of instantiation events, with consequences that are hard to debug. Object reference cleanup must be handled as the form closes/destroys. In this session, Drew explains many inconsistencies and gotchas, with alternatives, workarounds, and practical suggestions. This session consists of explanations and demos, including one for a simple but powerful strategy for inter-form communication via object references. You will learn techniques you can implement right away in your own applications. Attendees should have experience creating forms in VFP.