Drew Speedie


Homepage:http://www.visionds.com/vmpsite Email:dspeedie@visionds.com
Drew Speedie develops Visual FoxPro applications and provides technical direction on FoxPro projects at Vision Data Solutions, Inc. He is the chief architect of the Visual MaxFrame Professional application framework and is also responsible for creating VMP training classes and parts of the Visual FoxPro BootCamp. For the past several years, Drew has been a Contributing Editor to FOXPRO ADVISOR Magazine. He has been a judge for the Visual FoxPro Excellence Awards each of the years they have been awarded. Drew is a frequent speaker at various international FoxPro events. Contact Drew at mailto:dspeedie@visionds.com, or visit http://www.visionds.com/vmpsite.
E-TEST...Test-Driven Development in VFP Using FoxUnit
E-TIPP...VFP Tips and Tricks
E-FORM...Form Instantiation And Destruction Techniques
E-BIND...Bind VFP Code To Window Message Notifications
E-CLAS...VFP 9.0 Form And Class Design Enhancements
V-MAXF...Visual MaxFrame Professional Framework